Two great products ideal for Fisheries and Lochs from Plastic Mouldings Limited.
The Cairngorm
The Cairngorm is a well designed, practical bin which will unobtrusively complement any environment in which it is sited, whether permanently
fixed or used or on a required basis.
Jetty / Pontoon Floats
Our pontoon floats are available in three sizes of 540 litre, 650 litre
and 790 litre and can be manufactured in any colour so that they
can become unobtrusive and blend perfectly with your environment.
They are ideal for disabled access to both the water and ”wheelyboats” as well as becoming standard pontoons and jetties.
All our bins and pontoons are rotationally moulded for extra strength and durability.
The materials used are weather resistant, will not chip or corrode with no need for repainting. The bins can be produced in any colour or in a range of natural and granite stone effects. |